
The Online Questionnaire of the "3rd Campaign of Carbon-Neutral Technology & Solutions"

全球气候变化是当前人类面临的最严峻挑战之一,全世界各国政府正在将实现“碳中和”上升至国家战略。为实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标,由联合国工业发展组织和上海交通大学共同举办的“第三届碳中和技术方案征集”活动现已正式启动。本年度的领军项目也将作为中国技术储备推送参与2024联合国工发组织全球方案征集(UNIDO GLOBAL CALL 2024)评选,诚邀各界有志之士参与!

Global climate change is one of the most severe challenges humanity face today. Governments worldwide are elevating the achieving of carbon neutral to a national strategic level. In order to realize the goal of ‘carbon peak and carbon neutrality’, the 3rd Campaign of Carbon-Neutral Technology & Solutions, jointly organized by UNIDO and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, have been officially launched. The outstanding projects of this year will be recommended to participate in the 2024 UNIDO Global Call. Looking forward to your participation!

项目基本信息 (Basic Information of the Project)

项目名称 (Project Name) *

项目描述 (最多1000字) Description (Maximum 1000 characters ) *

项目当前商业合作伙伴(没有请填“无”)Current Business Partners of the Project (please fill in ‘None’ if you don’t have any) *

报名方向/领域 Direction/Field of Application: *


技术阶段 Technical Stage *
项目所提供的主要产品/服务(最多1000字)Main Products/Services Offered by the Project (max. 1000 characters) *

项目是否属于数字技术领域 Is the Project in the digital technology Sector *


年减排量(吨/年)(仅填写数字)Annual Emission Reduction (tonnes/year) (numbers only) *

减排成本(元/吨)(仅填写数字)Cost of Emission Reduction (yuan/tonne) (numbers only) *

项目获得的认证/奖励/奖项(没有请填“无”)(最多1000字) Certifications/awards/prizes received by the project (please fill in ‘none’ if you do not have any) (max. 1000 characters) *

项目介绍视频链接 Video Link for Project Introduction

项目发展概况 Overview of the Project Development

项目的创新内容、竞争优势和技术成熟度(最多1000字)Project’s innovative aspects, competitive advantages and technological maturity (max. 1000 characters) *

项目对碳达峰、碳中和,应对气候变化及提升环境可持续性的贡献能力(如减排能力、减排成本、当前及潜在市场规模)(最多1000字) The project's ability to contribute to carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, combating climate change and enhancing environmental sustainability (e.g., emission reduction capacity, emission reduction cost, current and potential market size) (max. 1000 characters) *

项目对相关行业或企业的适用性和可推广性(如跨行业及跨国适用性,技术转移的可能性,标准化及兼容性,定制化及灵活性)(最多1000字)Feasibility and applicability of the project to relevant industries or enterprises (e.g. cross-industry and cross-border applicability, technology transfer potentials, standardization, compatibility, customization and flexibility) (max. 1000 characters) *

项目的长期可持续性经济和社会效益(如促进循环经济转型、资源及能源效率提高等方面)(最多1000字)Long-term sustainable economic and social benefits of the project (e.g. facilitating the transition to circular economy, resource and energy efficiency, etc.) (max. 1000 characters) *

项目的可预期回报(如企业当前及预期的销售额及净利润、提供就业机会的能力)(最多1000字)Anticipated returns of the project (e.g. current and expected sales and net profit of the enterprise, ability to provide employment opportunities) (max. 1000 characters) *

项目对国际减缓和适应气候变化以及环境可持续性做出贡献的能力(最多1000字)Ability to contribute to international climate change mitigation and adaptation and environmental sustainability (max. 1000 characters) *

项目对发展中国家的潜在益处(经济、社会和环境)(最多1000字)Potential benefits to developing countries (regarding economic, social and environmental aspects) (max. 1000 characters) *

企业信息 Information of the Firm

组织/企业名称 Name of the Organization/Firm *

组织/企业类型 Types of Organization/Firm *
组织/企业地址 Address of the Organization/Firm *

组织/企业注册国家 The Registered Country of the Organization/Firm *

组织/企业官网网址 The Official Website of the Organization/Firm(URL)

组织/企业社交媒体账号(如微信公众号、微博、抖音、X、Facebook、Instagram等)Social Media Accounts of the Organization/Firm (e.g. WeChat, Weibo, Tik Tok, X, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

员工人数 Number of Employees *
请说明企业的股东结构、母公司和子公司及他们与企业的关系(最多1000字)Please describe the shareholder structure of the firm, parent company and subsidiaries and their relationship to the business (maximum 1000 characters) *

董事名单(如果没有董事会,请填写企业最高管理机构的同等成员/担任管理职位的人员)List of Board Members (if there is no board of directors, please include equivalent members of the highest management body of the business/persons in management positions) *

企业是否有任何符合国际质量、环境及社会标准的有效认证? 如有请注明 Does the Firm/Organization have any valid certifications regarding international quality, environmental and/or social standards? If yes, please specify *

企业是否有与环境、社会或治理相关的投诉/索赔/执行行动?如有请注明 Does the enterprise have any complaints/claims/enforcement actions related to environmental, social or governance? If yes, please specify *

企业是否有与管理层、员工或关键利益相关者(如客户或供应商)相关的投诉/索赔/执行行动? 如有请注明 Does the organization have complaints/claims/enforcement actions related to management, employees or key stakeholders (e.g. customers or suppliers)? If yes, please specify *

企业策划书/项目介绍书 Business plan/project proposal (upload your file here) *
请选择小于10M的文件进行上传 Please select files smaller than 10MB to upload.

    企业资源情况及需求 The Resource Profile and Needs of the Firm/Organization

    最近一次融资时间 Date of the Most Recent Financing
    最近一次融资金额(单位:元)Amount of the Last Financing

    最近一次融资轮次 Most Recent Financing Round
    实现该项目或技术现有可用资源(技术、市场、资金或其他)(最多1000字)Existing available resources to promote the project or technology (technical, market, financial or other aspects) (max. 1000 characters) *

    实现该项目或技术未来阶段所需资源(技术、市场、资金或其他)(最多1000字)Resources required to promote the project or technology at future phases (technical, market, financial or other aspects) (max. 1000 characters) *

    联系人信息 Contact Information

    联系人姓名 Person in Contact *

    联系人职务 Position of Person in Contact *

    联系邮箱 Main Contact Email *

    其他联系邮箱 Other Emails for Contact

    联系电话 Main Contact Phone Number *

    其他联系电话 Other Phone Numbers for Contact


    Please download and read the Declaration Terms and Privacy Policy for this event below.

    是否同意《申报条款》和《隐私政策》Do you agree with our Declaration Terms and Privacy Policy *





    If you have any questions regarding the event, please do not hesitate to contact us!

    Contact: itpo.shanghai@unido.org, 86-21-60820008

    The Organizing Committee reserves the right of final interpretation of the event.